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Customer Relationship Management

Given New Brunswick’s growing immigration ambitions, it is imperative that the tools and processes used in the management of the settlement sector can effectively handle vast amounts of data. The CRM project represents a crucial digital transformation initiative aimed at enhancing the settlement sector in New Brunswick. Its primary objectives are to streamline daily operations and reporting for settlement agencies and to provide valuable data to funders and key government departments, thereby enabling more informed and data-driven decision-making.

Since its launch in April 2022, the CRM has demonstrated significant success and tremendous potential. Its initial rollout to two member agencies, the Saint John Newcomer Centre and the Multicultural Association of Sussex, received positive feedback and led to improved service delivery to clients. Building on this success, we are currently in the process of expanding the CRM to encompass all remaining settlement agencies, fostering collaboration and coordination within the settlement sector.

Looking ahead, the CRM platform is expected to have a profoundly positive impact on settlement services. It will achieve this by offering a comprehensive database and robust features that empower agencies to provide tailored support and effectively track client progress. Additionally, its capacity to provide macro-level data to key government partners, such as Working NB and Opportunities NB, will facilitate decision-making that supports targeted programs designed to assist newcomers in seeking employment or skills training.

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For further information please contact: 

Vova Ievets 

Project Lead: Client Relationship Management (CRM)

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